Saturday, March 21, 2015

Author's Notes

I started on this story with an idea in mind.  But then I realized that I didn't like the turn the story was taking...  it wasn't plausible to me.  So I've done some changing since I first outlined the story.

Originally I was going to keep the original format - write like a series with the seasons.  Maybe I'll still do a series of stories, maybe I won't.  But I have determined how Jason and his  bride meet...  and the challanges they face.  If I do a series, a major part of the theme is getting Jason to a new normal - because I'm about to shatter his world.

I decided that there is no way Jason would voluntarily give up being single. He's too happy, too involved with his family, too wrapped up in his work.  Married life passes him by without so much as a questioned thought.  Maybe if both the brothers were married....   but that won't happen because they follow him.  No, first Jason must fall.

Another thing I've changed.  The series is a western comedy.  I do enjoy laughing with it.  However, I confesss my favorite episodes are the ones most of the fans of the show complain about - I like the melodrama.  I like the storylines with the dark undertones.   For instance, I thought "Two Sisters" was very dark for the era, and I loved their take on child abuse in "Absolom."  I love it when the brothers fight and sometimes seem irreconsilable.  So the task of keeping the story light was impossible.  Jason is due for some dark times.  All the Bolts are.  Because where there is darkness, there is bright light.

This is a romance following along the theme of forced/arranged marriage romances.  But all the favorite characters will be in play - I won't forget them.  I hope sometimes my writing will make someone laugh.  But expect the drama.  It's what I love to write.

This seems to have gotten a slow start - I've already written about 6,000 words on the project, most of which are unusable.  It's now getting there.  Thank you for stopping by.

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