Saturday, March 28, 2015

Almost There

As I have developed this story it occurred to me that I take Jason and his love interest into a scary, filthy world.  I want to address this.

First,  that is not in keeping with the show.  I think I said this in an earlier post, but I can't keep the show's light hearted attitude.  My apologies to those it offends, but I'd like to remind people that as a light hearted show, the characters were never really going to go through a life changing metamorphosis.  This is why TV shows either feel different after several seasons, or get cancelled (like this one).  I want to see these characters grow up, move on, build lives... and that doesn't happen with good and bad things happening to give them life experiences.  Sometimes things that seem really bad can also turn out to be a good thing. Keep that in mind.

Oh, and just because there's dark moments doesn't mean there won't be some light hearted fun.  That was one of the things I loved about this show - there was still enough change to create character growth.  In Season Two Episode One, A Far Cry From Yesterday, they killed Candy's mom and we got the permanent implants of her younger brother and sister.  That was smart, because then we got to see how Jason interacts with children.  We also got  to see Jeremy grow into the roll of being a parent instead of staying the stereotypical younger brother.  We also saw Jason grow up a little - a little less flamboyant, a little less rough around the edges.  He's maturing.  Aaron matured and decided to end the feud.  One of my favorite episodes is Two Women for several reasons, but in this case I'm thinking of the scene where Aaron asks Jason, "What is more important than a business you've spent  your whole life for?" and Jason answers, "A brother."  Jason leaves the building and the camera pans onto Aaron who is seriously contemplating what Jason is saying.  We see character development in action there.  Love it.

Second, while I write mature content, I do not write porn.  I will always find a way to fade out.  You will understand what's happening.  You will know when things develop.  I don't mind and don't shy away from sexuality - to me, that's another big part of life and a huge part of the Here Come The Brides show, whether people want to admit it or not.  In fact, that was one of the reasons why the old prudes put it in the time slot they did - it bothered them people were getting married on the show and they were always talking about having babies, or eluding to what "proper" really meant.  It's a pretty sensual show for it's time.  But to me, that's the whole point, and why I love it so much.   So, don't let that surprise you.

Last,  there might be some violence.  Okay, it's a western.  There's going to be some violence.  As we found out in Season Two, Candy and the Kid, just because the people of Seattle aren't much for guns and prefer fists, not everyone who comes to Seattle feels the same way. And Seattle is growing.  That is born conflict right there, folks.  Jason should have thought this through better. ;) However, that doesn't mean I'll be disgusting about it.  Just sayin'.

Ok - enough notes.  Time to write this thing.  So exciting!

PS  If you've never seen the show and are curious, I have updated the Seasons One and Two pages with a link to click onto that have all fifty two shows to watch.  Enjoy!


  1. Just discovered your site. Did you ever post this story -or any other HCTB fanfic? I'd love to read them.

  2. Well, I don't know if you're still interested, but I have started publishing it on and on Wattpad. You can click on my Season 3 page for the links:
